  • IOD_DecorMoulds_Summer18_FloralSwags-1-300×300


Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $15.00.

SALE!….SALE!…SALE!  The 6 x 10 Swags Decor Mould is discontinued, get it NOW.  When it is gone, there will be NO MORE.

These food safe moulds allow you to add moulding to baked goods, furniture, decor, even your walls! Pair with the IOD Air Dry Clay for your furniture and decor, or try your own medium.

Use with paper clay to create authentically vintage molded pieces. Our favorite way to apply molded pieces is to remove them from the mold while still moist, and adhere to the surface with the appropriate glue so it conforms well. For vertical surfaces, use a piece of low tack tape to hold it in place so it doesn’t slide.

Questions??  email Carol at:

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